
Leading professionalism and innovation in real estate. 


Real estate re-imagined.

REALTOR® Pledge of Professionalism

I will:

  • observe the letter and spirit of my professional obligations;
  • act with honesty and integrity;
  • protect the interests of my clients;
  • never allow a private interest to influence my professional conduct;
  • provide accurate information and thoughtful guidance; and
  • demonstrate civility, respect, and courtesy in all dealings with clients, colleagues, and customers.

Today, I make this public commitment to abide by these principles and strive, throughout my career, to conduct myself in a manner that brings honour to our profession.

Diversity statement

The Real Estate Board of Greater Vancouver stands for inclusion. For welcoming and respecting all people. For opposing discrimination in all forms. For having discussions that further these aims and allying ourselves with others who do as well. We celebrate our diversity and commit to helping all people thrive in our profession and our communities.